Our Mission
Daring to be BOLD, we strive to build an inclusive community, operate sustainable practices, lead with intention, and dedicate time to wellness.
Build an Inclusive Community
Fall semester retreat for executive members of all student organizations
Creating an Fraternity, Sorority, and Cooperative Life (FSCL) Committee within Purdue Student Government (PSG)
Celebrating the accomplishments of women in leadership on Purdue’s campus
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training, Safe Zone, Trans-Inclusion and Crisis Intervention training (also to be offered on a monthly basis in partnership with various organizations)
Promote transparency by making meeting minutes from Board of Directors, Senate, and Cabinet meetings available via the website
Host Purdue Student Government (PSG) Lunch & Learns to foster relationships with students
Operate Sustainable Practices
Increase labeling on recycling and trash bins
Working to increase recycling availability at off-campus housing
Waste-free Ross-Ade Stadium & Mackey Arena by 2021
Boast tailgate recycling programs to compete with Big 10 schools like Ohio State
Increase plant-based food options throughout various dining stations on campus
Lead with Intention
The creation of a Campus Crisis Fund to allow rapid response to large-scale campus crises
Increase clarity in Student Activities and Organizations (SAO) and Business Office for Student Life (BOSO) processes
Ensuring flexibility for student organizations to ensure they are able to accomplish their goals
Bringing the Central Office On-Line (COOL) financial management system into the 21st century
Working to require periodic grade updates during the semester for all classes
Encouraging courses to not take attendance on election day
Partnering with the Purdue Police Department to offer monthly consent courses
Partner with Turbovote, an application that makes sure you always know when elections are happening, and have the information you need to vote with confidence
Dedicate Time to Wellness
Extend Purdue University Student Health (PUSH) and Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) hours
Expand student health services to better meet the needs of students
Increase awareness of Purdue addiction treatment and eating disorder support services
Offer Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training on a monthly basis in various locations around campus
Working towards having an on-campus grocery store
Advocating and contributing towards a accessible location for the ACE Campus Food Pantry
Create winter clothing closet to provide free access to winter gear for students
Expanding jurisdiction of Purdue ambulance in order to ensure free rides for all members of our campus community